I'm Emma

I'm a mother to four, wife, moonchild, sun junkie and 100% here for all the fun mystic shit!!

Society likes to put us into boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. Born a rebel, a black sheep and a creative, it was only a matter of time until my soul screamed at me to break free and become who I was meant to be. So it's only right I teach others to start living the fulfilling life we all deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

How it all started...

Whilst raising four children, 3 at the time were under 3, my life became full of overwhelm and I found myself living in survival mode just to get by.

After a year of denying I had PND, I finally caved and became dependent on antidepressants. I grew businesses, one of which was very successful and I found I was seen as an inspiration to others mothers. Inside I felt like a fraud. The more I tried to tell myself I was happy, the less happy I felt and the cycle was never ending. Until I decided enough was enough.

I chose to be happy, to feel loved, to appreciate the chaos of my life and start living. After training I became Spiritual Life Coach and dived into every course I could to help myself and others.

And now, years later and countless lives helped, I'm ready to teach others how to do the same.

I have met some old souls in my time, but I have never met anyone like Emma. Her intuitive guidance is always spot on, she knows how to hold space for me, to clear energetic imbalances I don't even know but feel I am carrying and she doesn't sugar coat shit - she makes you own it.

I've worked with 5 coaches in the last 4 years and the biggest breakthroughs I've had have been with Emma

This time 6 months ago, I was overwhelmed, deeply unhappy yet there was no real reason as to why. Emma helped me shed layers of myself that I'd been holding on to for over 20 years. Through her aura and body scans she could see scars that no-one other than my partner knew about and the trauma that went with them. She helped me cut cords, sort through my emotional and hormonal healing and now I feel better than ever with an inner knowing of who I am and who I want to become.

Some facts about me...

I became fascinated with crystals at 15 and at 17 I became. an advanced Crystal Healer - almost 20 years ago!!

I have done a parachute and shaved my hair off for charity over the years but I draw the line at running (I leave that to the hub!)

When I was 19 I saw a worldwide fortune teller, who told me I'd have four children, work with currencies all over the world and marry someone from a different country!!

I live in the heart of Cornwall and can often be found walking the beaches and swimming in the sea

I'm 44% Scandinavian!!

I am a psychic medium (but cannot bear horror films or anything 'dark')!

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